
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Notice and Note Post # 1

I am linking up with some great bloggers to read the book Notice and Note. (And, trying to do it from the beach in California on the iPad instead of at home in Arizona- so pardon any mistakes I make)

Question 1: Is reading still reading?
There's no question that the form our reading takes is changing significantly. That has to affect the way in which we read. I notice that I read e-books differently than I read printed books. I read things on the internet differently than I read print or e-books. But, at the heart of it, reading is still the same- we are decoding symbols to make sense of the text. But, I think, the way we make meaning-our act of  understanding the text- that process- might be different for the different things we read.
We talk about how we need to read informational text in a different way than literature. And, we need to teach students how to read informational text differently. Maybe we need to take that a step further and teach how reading e-book is different than reading a printed book. Or, how we need to read things from the internet in slightly different ways than an e-book or print. We might need to teach specific strategies for reading in different forms- just like we teach the difference between genres.
I don't think reading will vanish as a skill. But I do think its form and function are changing drastically and we, as teachers, need to change with it.
Question 2: The Role of Fiction
I love the quote from this chapter, "Nonfiction lets us learn more; fiction lets us be more."  I read  a lot, and the majority of it is fiction.  The non fiction I read mostly takes the form of teacher books unless I am researching something I am teaching my students.  I am guilty, in the past, of  using more fiction in my classroom than non fiction. With common core guidelines I have been trying very hard to include more informational text into my class. I am returning to 3rd grade after teaching kindergarten for the past three years. I know the way I use informational text in 3rd grade will be different from how I used it in Kindergarten. It will be a challenge for me to adapt to these common core changes at the 3rd grade level. Bringing more nonfiction into the classroom is something I am continuing to work on...


  1. Karla,
    Thanks so much for joining us! I loved the line about non-fiction and fiction as well. I am also continuing to work on bringing in more non-fiction and making it useful and applicable to students and their interests. My struggle seems to be to have enough variety of topics to 1-reach the interests of every student and 2- to have enough for all students to access when working on a topic as a class. Internet resources have become more student friendly and now that I am getting more computer access for students in my classroom, I hope that I can more effectively overcome those barriers. Thanks again for joining the book study!

  2. Hi Karla,
    At first when the Common Core Standards came out, I was furious about having to teach nonfiction as well as fiction. But then I focused my own reading on nonfiction and WOW. There's some great stuff out there. I teach high school so maybe more choices are available to me than to elementary. But now I am excited about the possibilities.

  3. I wonder... do our kids read the various forms of print in different ways or is it just us? It is because we view these "new" forms of reading as different because they haven't been around our entire life? I wonder if the students feel the same way and if they don't, is that wrong?
    Simply 2nd Resources

  4. Interesting question, Becca. I'd love to know more, Karla, about how you read e-books differently than books. My significant other bought me an eReader a couple of years ago, and my initial reaction was "Why on earth would I want this?!?!" but it took me very little time to grow to love it, and I really don't think I use it at all differently, when reading for pleasure at least, than I do traditional books. I haven't tried reading trade books (i.e. for PD purposes, for example) on an eReader yet, because I do tend to mark up these books more and have been reluctant to try that digitally... even though I know that there are embedded tools that will allow me to "write notes in the margins" more or less.

    Mme Aiello @ Teaching FSL

    1. I don't like reading professional development books on an e-reader mostly because I haven't mastered all the embedded tools. Books I read for pleasure, I wouldn't say I read differently necessarily, but I find that I am sometimes frustrated with e-readers because sometimes I want to go back to something that happened previously in the story and I can't find it because I can just skim through the pages to find the answer. Also, my son was trying to do a reading response where he needed to cite evidence about a character from a book he read on an e-reader. It was very frustrating for him because he couldn't do that very thing- he couldn't skim through the pages looking for the place where the character did or said whatever he was looking for. So, it's that kind of thing that I think we need to teach students how to do successfully.
