I don't know about you, but this time of year I always begin reflecting on the year- what went well, what needs modifying for next year. As I do that, I look forward to next year and begin informal planning of things to do at the beginning of next year. My BFT (best friend teacher) and I were talking at lunch today about buttons. She had ordered some Lakeshore Learning stuff and one of the things she had was a button sorting game. She was telling me that I needed to make something similar to it or to extend the game into some other button related activities. I was telling her that I did have some button clip art, but really needed to find some more. Well, as I am blog hopping this evening after a long day of teaching followed by an even longer baseball practice for my son, I run across the blog of one of my new favorite clip artist, Ink n Little Things. She has a button clip art set as a flash freebie until the 11th. Go check it out and then head to her TpT store. She has some great products. I especially love her phonics clip art! Now, I am off to think about how I can use these cute buttons in some beginning of the year activities!
Hi Karla! I love that cute clipart, I will check out her store! So glad I found your blog through Mrs. Rios, I'm your newest follower!
✿Science for Kids Blog✿
Karla, you're so sweet! I really appreciate you taking the time to give my art a shout out. :)